This panorama is limited to 180° view and contains 2 hotspots integrated with a plugin lightbox solution:
[panorama360 src="panorama2.jpg" style="height:400px;margin-bottom:1.5em" mousewheel="true" is360="false" block_contextmenu="true" map="mymap"]
<map id="mymap" name="mymap">
<area class="round" rel="lightbox" shape="rect" coords="120,70,320,270" href="image1.jpg" target="_blank" alt="This is a hotspot" />
<area rel="lightbox" shape="rect" coords="640,120,850,230" href="image2.jpg" target="_blank" alt="Another hotspot" />
Note: Please use the Text Editor if you copy+paste this code as an example in your site or edit the hotspots map.